Going Green - We're Saving Energy and Much More

Many environment-friendly practices help save resources, time and money for us and for you. Here are some of the ways we have achieved a greener operation and how you can help us improve by making some simple changes, too.

  • Using recycled content paper for in-office use and our claims envelopes helped us conserve the following resources in 2010 (estimates from the Environmental Defense Fund Paper Calculator):
    • Wood use: 690 tons, or 4,832 trees
    • Net energy: 1,682 million BTUs, or the energy used by 19 homes in a year
    • Carbon dioxide equivalent: 200 metric tons, or like taking 43 cars off the road for a year
    • Wastewater: 2,128,967 gallons
  • Our electronic documents service has conserved these resources since its launch in 2009:
    • Wood use: 26 tons
    • Net energy: 209 million BTUs
    • Carbon dioxide equivalent: 41,725 pounds
    • Wastewater: 155,532 gallons
  • Our waste diversion rate (the amount of total waste that was recycled or composted) was 51.42 percent in 2010 (we recycled and composted 877.64 tons out of a total of 1706.7 tons); an improvement from the baseline of 29.35 percent in 2008.
  • We've minimized x-ray and documentation requirements and use digital technology to electronically retrieve and review this documentation during claims processing, reducing paper use, postage costs and claims processing time.
  • Our LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) certified buildings in San Francisco, CA and Alpharetta, GA create healthier work environments and reduce the environmental impact through efficient use of key resources when compared to conventional buildings. Through energy conservation and waste reduction programs, we achieved the following:
    • The ENERGY STAR rating for our San Francisco headquarters building.
    • Reduced our carbon footprint by 300 metric tons and energy costs by 2 percent (2009).
    • Reduced our waste bill by 25 percent (2009).

How you can help protect the environment

  • Transmit all your claims and necessary attachments electronically. Sign up now with NEA for their attachment service, FastAttachTM, and take advantage of our money-saving offer.
  • Sign up to receive FYI electronically. Send your name, office address and e-mail address to fyi@delta.org.
  • Use our automated telephone service and "Online Services" on our website for eligibility and benefits information for your Delta Dental Premier® and Delta Dental PPOTM patients.
  • Join the 150,000+ dentists and enrollees who have signed up to receive electronic claim statements and pre-treatment estimates. Log in to Online Services and follow the simple steps.
  • Encourage your patients to go paperless too!
  • Receive e-mail notifications when new documents are available. Sign up for electronic statements

Online Services

Check eligibility, benefits and claims status.

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