Watch Your Health: Videos
Dentistry Decoded: Cleanings
What happens during a dental cleaning?
Dentistry Decoded: Exams
What happens during a dental exam?
Dentistry Decoded: Fillings
Getting a tooth filled? Here’s what to expect.
Dentistry Decoded: X-rays
Why get dental x-rays? Here’s what you need to know.
Dentistry Decoded: Scaling and Planing
Scaling and root planing is a straightforward procedure for treating gum disease. It may also be called a deep cleaning.
Dentistry Decoded: Specialists
General dentists aren’t the only kind of dentist. Learn the difference between an endodontist, a periodontist and more.
Dentistry Decoded: Root Canals
Need a root canal? Here’s what you can expect.
Dentistry Decoded: Teething Troubles
Got a teething baby? Here’s what to do and what not to do.
Dentistry Decoded: Nervous Habits
Some nervous habits are bad news for your teeth. Here’s why — and what you can do instead.
Dentistry Decoded: Senior Oral Health
Getting older increases your risk of certain dental problems. Here’s what seniors need to know to stay healthy.
Dentistry Decoded: Temperature Sensitivity
Are your teeth sensitivity to hot and cold? Find out what you can do to relieve the pain.
Preventive care for a healthy smile
Brushing and flossing properly can help you maintain your healthy smile.
Preventive dental care: beyond the basics
You know to brush and floss daily and visit the dentist regularly. Learn what else you can do to keep your teeth and gums looking their best.
Video quiz:
Preventive dental care: Beyond the basics(PDF, 55KB)Avoid gum disease with good oral hygiene
Tooth decay is one of the most common diseases in the world. It's caused by bacteria that live in the plaque that builds up on your teeth.
Diet and your dental health
There are good foods and bad foods but timing can make all the difference in maintaining your dental health.
Video quiz:
Diet and your dental health(PDF, 43KB)The medical-dental connection
The mouth and the body are connected – more than 120 conditions may be detected in the early stages by a dentist.
Video quiz:
The medical–dental connection(PDF, 45KB)Caring for teeth with braces
Learn good oral hygiene practices for a bright, healthy smile after your braces are removed.